Barb Hammond, Coping with the Pandemic: July, 2020

Colonel Flustercluck

“Hot Enough to Get Your High Heels Stuck in the Asphalt on Douglas”

Factoid: The comet NEOWISE was named after the satellite that discovered it (Near-Earth Object Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer). Personally, I think I could have named it something more interesting.

As we packed up to leave, we were startled by a car that drove into the lane facing straight at us with blinding headlights, blocking us in.  We were only a few feet off the highway, so we were visible to any local yahoos who might be out runnin’ the roads. I was yelling at him to stop; Mardi and Karen were diving for the ditches. You know, it would have been polite if that cop had woop-wooped at us so we would know he was a friendly intruder.

July 31, 2020

Still very hot, but not hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk. I tried it. 


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