60th Reunion Rescheduled Again

Lee Ayres

Good morning!

I hope your Labor Day was enjoyable. My last message to you on Independence Day had a note of optimism, but today’s message has a note of regret

We regret to announce that the one-year-delayed 60th reunion for the Wichita East Class of 1960 has been cancelled due to risk of the Delta variant of Covid-19 and the low number of registrations,  which was 31 as of last Wednesday. This decision was reached in consultation with more than 10 classmates. 

Registration checks have been held uncashed and will be returned by mail by Tuesday,  September 14, 2021. Classmates who registered are invited to join me in designating their registration check as a donation to the Wichita East Class of 1960 website. Please send me an email (lsayres1@outlook.com) with your instructions by this Saturday, September 11, 2021;  otherwise we will mail your check marked “void.”

We look forward to holding a reunion as soon as possible, when conditions permit an indoor gathering with handshakes and hugs and  without masks and social distancing, maybe late April, 2023, if not before.

Go Blue Aces!

Lee Ayres

Senior Class President   



What happens between now and April 2023?  We stay in touch!

First, if you made a hotel reservation for this reunion, be sure to cancel it.

Second, read the thoughts of Dan Tontz about attending the reunion in “My Reunion Decision.” Comments on the reunion decision from other classmates were also posted today.

Then — help us keep the website operating.  In a recent email, Lee commented, “The website can help sustain class relationships and camaraderie until we meet in person, assuming that we have funding and leadership for continuation. Zoom sessions offer another option for keeping in touch.”

The website team has been gratified by the excellent response to the Class of 1960 Website over the past 12 months. To continue, we will need your active support and participation. Here’s what we need –

  • Sufficient financial contributions for technical support and publication of another mini-Messenger
  • Individual classmates’ commitments to write stories and articles for the site
  • Commitments to help with research, art design, and occasional writing on assignment for a couple of hours a month
  • Obituaries for deceased classmates
  • Leadership for organizing Zoom sessions
  • Update mailing address and email whenever they change
  • Update contact information for missing classmates.

If you are willing to help with any of these, please contact Marilyn (mbellert@niu.edu), Diane (ddzinn@aol.com), or Fred (elder@engr.wisc.edu).

If you have questions about the rescheduling decision, let us know. And, if you have comments, add them below in the Comment box,



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