Earl Dalrymple, 1942-2007

Earl Dalrymple, 1942-2007

Earl Alan Dalrymple of Meadowlakes, Texas, died July 7, 2007.  The son of Lloyd and Vera Dalrymple, he was born April 15, 1942, and grew up in Wichita, Kansas. He graduated from East High School in 1960.

According to the Wichita Eagle, Earl married Gwendolyne Anderson in 1966. At the time, he had served four years in the U.S. Marines and was employed at Western Electric. When he died in Texas in 2007, he was a retired cable engineer.

Earl was survived by his wife Elaine, whom he married in 1985 in Nevada. 

Services were held by the Church of Horseshoe Bay and burial was at the Horseshoe Bay Cemetery in Horseshoe Bay, Texas.


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