Jane Thompson Olson, On the Road Again

Dallas Crump Stephens, 2/6/22

Seeing Donna Unruh Hoberecht’s “Walk on the Wintry Side” prompted me to report in from the opposite end of the country, the sometimes sunny South. We have been on the road in our RV since late December.

We have experienced all kinds of weather with the exception of snow. While in Charleston, temps were low enough that we had a bit of sleet and so much ice on the bridges that some were closed to traffic. Now in Jacksonville, Florida, we had 80’s two days ago but now rain and 40’s. So glad I brought plenty of jackets and cold weather gear. Dallas’s heavy sweater in the photo above tells you about Florida’s winter weather.

We arrived at this Jacksonville city park on Jan. 31. We enjoyed spending time with Dallas and Mike Stephens. Paul and Mike carry on as though they’re also old friends. Dallas and I always have fun. That is Dallas’s Smartcar in the photo at left. She loaned it to us while we were here.

Dallas and Mike are coming to our RV for a last night dinner. It will be cozy but we make it work. Tomorrow, we are heading to Punta Gorda for a week stay with friends from our time in Green Bay, WI.

I was hoping to see more friends on the February 16 Zoom call, but we were back on the road.  I will be asking you for email addresses, so I can follow up with questions for classmates on the January 14 Zoom.

Stay warm! We will be traveling south of the snow and ice belt for the next six weeks.


1 Comment
  1. glenna park 3 years ago

    I am so happy that you shared the visit with Dallas and look forward to more of your travels. You definitely have to watch the weather this time of year. The South often does not own a lot of snow removal equipment, so a small storm can close down a city, or as you said, a bridge. Thanks for the travel news.

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