Barbara Hammond, “One-Liners”

Dear Readers,
Our intrepid website editors have had a few anxious moments of late in thinking about how to keep the website going, because they always need more stories from out there in You-All Land. So, here’s a KISS idea. I call it “One-Liners” because that’s all anyone needs to write in order to be published. Short and sweet, keep it simple. Of course, if you write two lines, or a few, that’s very good! And if your brain is firing on all cylinders, don’t hold back.

To help spark our aging brain cells, I will post a theme and if you relate to it, you just email, snail mail, or call in a comment about your own experience to Marilyn, Fred, or Diane.

Of course, a photo is most desirable (you know the drill, if you haven’t figured out how to send photos by email, ask a kid).

As the comments come in, they will be published as stand-alone features just as our longer stories are. We may hold them a few days in order to accumulate several to be published at the same time. Because they will be short, we need to sprinkle a lot of them on the web page. Easy-to-write, easy-to-read.

So let’s get started. Here is our first theme: Pet Names for Our Pets.

Question: What is your pet’s name and what do you actually call him/her?


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