Lee’s Playlist: Great Hits of the ’50s and ’60s

Dancing at The Hangar, 1959

In the reunion spirit, we are republishing the music videos collected by Lee Ayres to reconnect with the music of our times.

During the pandemic, nostalgia inspired Lee Ayres to collect music videos of hits from the 1950’s and 1960’s. This was a truly great age of pop music. Many members of our class went to churches and youth centers on Friday and Saturday nights starting in 6th or 7th grade, learned to dance to the sounds of the 50’s and danced through high school and beyond. Some of us attended Rock and Roll concerts at the Forum and saw favorite performers in person; mostly, we knew the  sounds. (Right, Lee Ayres feels like 1960 when he hears this music.)

Lee has collected many videos, starting with Bill Haley’s 1954 hit “Rock Around the Clock,” including the theme song ballad from the 1960 senior prom and extending to an excellent collection of Beatles’ videos from the ‘60’s. Thanks are due to David Kroenlein for collaborating on the playlists and to Larry Haddad, ’58, for contributing links to great videos.

Prior to the Class of 1960’s 62nd reunion on September 30, roll over to this website for blasts from the past. We are starting with early Rock and Roll. Click on the underlined links. Then let us know if the music drives you to dance.

Bill Haley and the Comets, “Rock Around the Clock”   https://youtu.be/-eJOJhwgluE

The Platters, “Only You”   https://youtu.be/bo23bJnlnzo

The Platters, “Smoke Gets in Your Eyes”   https://youtu.be/OsAhCvLbNrs  Lee: This is the Platters remake of the 1932 song by Jerome Kern during an actual performance. Another version  without the live performance (or commercials) is at  https://youtu.be/H2di83WAOhU

(1955) Chuck Berry, “Johnny B. Goode”   https://youtu.be/Uf4rxCB4lys   Lee says, “I heard this several times a day on the radio when I was working on a ranch near Buena Vista, Colorado,  the summer of 1963.”

Elvis Presley, “Love Me Tender”   https://youtu.be/qwlrUUyxg9c 

Elvis Presley, “All Shook Up” https://youtu.be/3rQEbQJx5Bo

Elvis Presley, “Blue Suede Shoes”  https://youtu.be/T1Ond-OwgU8

Elvis Presley, “Teddy Bear”  https://youtu.be/89MihWd6zKk

Elvis Presley, “Hound Dog”  https://youtu.be/aNYWl13IWhY  Lee: Remember Colleen Kernahan going nuts about this in Spanish class at Roosevelt Junior High?

Big Joe Turner, “Shake Rattle and Roll”  https://youtu.be/YhELpSeeipg

Bobby Freeman, “Do You Wanna Dance” https://youtu.be/xVff7TJzc-Q

Tune in here on June 7 for Lee’s Playlist #2 –  more Elvis, the Everly Brothers, Buddy Holly and other great stars.

  1. James Hamilton 4 years ago

    Years ago I purchased a four CD Box Set. “All Time Greatest Jukebox Hits” 1955 – 1965.

    Thru the years it has become one my most cherished possessions.

    Funny how, as you get older, the simplest things can become so important.

    Thanks for the YouTube links and I’ll start adding them to my YouTube Music Video Files.

    Jimmy Hamilton

    • Lee Ayres 2 years ago

      Jimmy – yes, these songs have become part of who we are. Sharing these with our family may be more meaningful than the stuff that can end up in an estate sale. Thanks, Lee

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