Perry Ann Porter, Coincidences: Common Birthdays

Perry Ann Porter, 1960

I can’t believe how many people I have encountered with the same birthday as mine, all living in the same county. Is that unusual or what?

It all started on my last week serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer in the Philippines. I was closing my account with my favorite teller at the bank. I smiled and said, ‘This is my last day and also my birthday.” He smiled and replied, “It’s my birthday too!” Oh boy, joy and laughter sounded throughout the bank.

 After that, I kept hearing or meeting others with the same birthday.  Even in the obituaries I would see folks born on June 20.

 While shopping in my favorite second-hand store, I heard a stranger, talking to her friend, saying, “It’s June and I celebrate my birthday all month.” I responded, “I do the same thing!” Then I asked her the date, and of course it was June 20! 

 The number of June 20 birthdays in my home county has grown to 46 now. When teaching, I would fill in the time by asking about birthdays, to find shouts…

”That’s my dad’s day!”

“My uncle has that same day.”

“The twins at the high school were born on that day.” On and on.

One science teacher knows two other folks in her church with the same birthday. Even in my small mobile home court, three others enjoy 6/20.

I was interviewed by our local news paper and given a free reading by our local Horoscope Lady studying the stars.

Once a year I send to the editor for the Kitsap Daily News:

Happy Birthday to the June 20 Club !

To those who have the same birthdate, 6/20, spread joy and happiness as you enjoy your special day. 

Share a root beer float with loved ones!

So, the big question is — how many folks do you know who share the same birthdate as you? You never know until you ask!



1 Comment
  1. glenna park 2 years ago

    My great granddaughter has a a June 20th birthday!

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