Colleen Boggs, 1960-2022
Colleen Susan Boggs was born December, 1942, to William and Gertrude Boggs, in Wichita, KS. William Hillard and Phillip Allen Boggs were her two brothers. She attended Wichita East and was a member of the French Club and the Pep Club.
Colleen went on to attend the University of Kansas where she was a member of Sigma Kappa society. She was also a chairperson for Chautauqua County in the Statewide Activities that functions as a student public relations organization for KU.
On January 27, 1962, Colleen was married to William Ashley Bowersox at Trinity Episcopal Church in Lawrence, KS.
Colleen had two daughters, Breanna Amanda and Morgan.
No information is available for funeral services and interment at this time. Her death date is uncertain, but is most likely September 24, 2022.