Glenna Stearman Park, Destination Colorado

Glenna Stearman Park
Following is Glenna’s comment inspired by Skip Granger’s memories of summer camp in Colorado.
Colorado was a wonderful destination for so many of us attending summer camps and vacationing. I hold some great memories of several summers in the state. Early in my life, I went with my family to Green Mountain Falls where we rented cabins and built our days around fishing and horseback riding. Then for four years we traveled to drop off and pick up a sister who attended Colorado College.
In high school I joined Young Life so I could go to Frontier Ranch—even working there one summer; my great achievement in the kitchen was making scrambled eggs for 200! I also loved helping GoldBrick in the kitchen and especially with the barbecue in the mountains, where he used a new kitchen string mop to cover the heaps of ribs with sauce.

I returned to Colorado in the winter for several ski trips when I was at WU. Then my husband’s first AF assignment after graduate school was Colorado Springs. My first two sons were born at the Air Force Academy.

So many East graduates found their way to Colorado sooner or later. My last camping experience was when I took children into the mountains on a daily outing. I had to keep order on the short bus trip, then teach archery at the camp, and finally search kids for trying to sneak snakes back onto the bus.

Editor’s Note: Please share your times in Colorado, as a child, a teen, or as an adult.  Did you camp, ski, hike, visit relatives or friends? Tell us your story, either as a comment to Glenna’s or in a separate story sent to Diane ( or Marilyn (



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