John Richard Carlisle is Missing


John Richard Carlisle, 1960

Unfortunately, we have no definitive information about John.  Courtesy of Barb Hammond, we have found a John R. Carlisle, born in Kentucky and the 1951 census had a John R. Carlisle at 801 South Holyoke, probably born in Haysville.  Both were born in 1942.  We also have n article showing a John R. Carlisle in Wichita in 1970 and another showing a John Carlisle in Wichita in 1973. 

Editors Note: We are publishing a series highlighting those members of the Wichita High School East graduating class of 1960 for whom we have little or no current information.  A yearbook photo will be included when one is available. Some classmates managed to evade East High’s photographers.  If you have any current or past information about this classmate, please inform us.

Fred Elder – or 608-238-1625; Diane Rusch Zinn –; Marilyn Tompkins Bellert –





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