“Sally” Martin Has Been Found

Sally Martin 1960

Sara Suzanne Martin, now Sara Sheffield, has been found after being missing from our database for many years.  She went by the nickname Sally at East High, but long ago abandoned that moniker.   She has lived in Nova Scotia for many years and says she “probably has some stories to tell” for the website. We are looking forward to hearing more from her!

Finding our missing classmates is usually a tedious and thankless job. Fred Elder maintains the Class of 1960 Missing Classmates list, currently around 80 names. Starting this year, he has been publishing on our website photos of people we can’t find, hoping that classmates visiting the site will provide tips. Since we know that approximately one-third of our missing classmates are probably deceased, he searches for obituaries and gravesites as well as sites that have contact information. In the case of Sally Martin, none of us were sure that the young woman with this name in our yearbook was the same person as the Sara Suzanne Martin on the Graduation List. Fred turned this mystery over to Barb Hammond, our genealogy sleuth.

Barb hunts for missing classmates on Ancestry.com, Newspapers.com, and other online sites. With a fairly common name like “Sally Martin” and no other information,  she often comes up with no useful leads. Not so, this time. She found obituaries for Sara Suzanne Martin Sheffield’s parents and provided enough details that Fred subsequently found Sara’s contact information.

As he regularly does, Fred sent an email to Sara explaining why he was contacting her and asking her to confirm whether or not she was a member of East High’s Class of 1960. Amazingly, she wrote back immediately!

“Hello Fred. This is a blast from the past, and yes, I did go by the nickname of Sally which I put away decades ago. I have been living in Nova Scotia for quite sometime now. Thank you for getting in touch. Sara Sheffield”

We are celebrating this find, as it is difficult to reconnect with those that have been lost from our database.  And please do help us find more of the 1960 Aces.




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