We thought you would want to know. East High is celebrating its 100th birthday this fall on October 6-7. Let us know if you want to organize an activity for the class of 1960. A table? A tailgate? A convertible ride in the parade? We will assist if there is interest.
An interesting beginning: From the time school at East High began in October, 1923, until December, 1923, students moved from one side of the room to the other as workmen painted around them. Students went to school a half day on Saturdays to make up for the lost six weeks preceding the opening. The building style was Modified Collegiate Gothic, and the cost of construction in 1923 was 21 cents a square foot, excluding equipment.
Fond memories of East High was in the spring with the windows open and the scent of freshly cut grass. I also loved looking at the snow falling outside the windows and the sound of stillness.