East High’s 100th Birthday Party, 10/7/2023

East High’s Centennial Party

This year marks East High’s 100th birthday. The school is planning a wing-ding on October 6 and 7, and some of our classmates are planning to attend. We have reserved a table for the Class of 1960 on the lawn in front of the school for the Saturday afternoon party.  Signs will indicate class areas by decade, so you can find us in the 1960’s. The Class of 1960 table will give our classmates a place to meet.  There will be chairs available around the lawn, but bring your own lawn chair if you are able. Competition for chairs in the areas for the 1950’s and 1960’s seems predictable.

If you are willing to act as host at the table for an hour, please email Fred Elder (ftelder@engr.wisc.edu) or call him at 608-238-1625. 

Here is the official schedule for October 6-7.  The building will be open until 3:00 p.m. for touring on your own, up and down the old hallways and the many new ones.


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