Vicki Pettit Foss, 1942-2008
An avid golfer from an early age, Vicki at age 14 out-finessed a field of seasoned competitors to win the Wichita City women’s Golf Champion. She shot a 69 during the opening round at Sim Park and in the semi-finals she shot a 32 on the front nine, a score that held for 20 years.
Two years after that incredible win, she won the long ball contest at Broadmoor Golf Club in Colorado Springs, CO with a drive of 265 yards. Vicki attended Wichita State University and considered Crestview Country club golf course her home turf.
Editor’s Note: Larry Foss, Vicki’s husband, memorialized her exceptional career in golf with a story he wrote in 2008 about Vicki’s golf career and love of the game.
This is a wonderful tribute to a young woman who was dearly loved by her classmates. I am so happy to be able to learn more about classmates than I would in a reunion dinner. This web page format has opened the door to recognizing classmates’ accomplishments. I am totally impressed with Vicki’s accomplishments and still remember her as a very kind and agreeable friend to everyone. I thank Larry for sharing this documentation of her golfing career with us.
I had no idea that Vicki was such an incredible golfer nor that we had sadly lost her.