Doug Denny, Air National Guard and Air Force Duty

Doug Denny  After graduating from KSU with a Bachelors of Architecture in 1965 I enlisted in the Air National Guard unit at McConnell AFB, Wichita, a six-year commitment.  In 1966 I accepted a position in an architectural office in Arlington, Virginia, and transferred to the Air National Guard unit at Andrews AFB, Maryland.  Each unit had a squadron of 25-30 F-100 fighter jets.  I enlisted to be trained as a 1 & 2 Jet Engine Mechanic.

In January of 1968 our unit was activated, and I served in the Active Air Force for 1-1/2 years.  After a few months at Andrews, our unit was moved to Myrtle Beach AFB, South Carolina.  Shortly thereafter half of our unit and aircraft were deployed to Phu Cat Air Base in Vietnam.  I was with the half that remained at Myrtle for the next year.  Our mission was training replacement F-100 pilots for Vietnam.  My job was as a Ground Crew Chief responsible for launching, recovering, servicing, and maintaining F-100’s.  (Left – Air Force Tech School; Right – Basic Training, Doug on the right)                                                                                        

I returned to Andrews in 1969 to serve out the rest of my active duty.  Because of serving on active duty, my Air National Guard obligation was reduced by one year and I was discharged in 1970.

I selected a mechanical specialty in the Air Force as a contrast to office work as an architect.  At the Air Force Tech School, I received good education and training on all aircraft systems.  I thoroughly enjoyed the work.  Given the war in Vietnam and potential conflict with North Korea over the Pueblo Incident, I was fine with being called to active duty.  I served in the Air Force with a positive attitude and am gratified by the contributions I was able to make.

F-100 Fighter Jet

1 Comment
  1. Ron Haun 1 year ago

    Thanks for your service and story. I also joined the Air Guard in Wichita. My unit (184th Fighter Wing) out of Wichita was also activated at the same time. The unit went to South Korea but I stayed behind. Most of the unit approached the activation with a positive attitude and did the job their were trained for.

    I do have a question for you. DId you ever try to get any health benefits for your time of service?

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