More Than 70 of the ’60 Aces Served in the Military

More than 70 of our classmates served in the Armed Forces in all ranks from the lowest to the highest. Many of them talk about how the military was where they became functioning adults. Some learned technical skills and put them to good use in the service and in later civilian life.  Some were lawyers, some were musicians, and at least one was an MP. Many were getting by until they could get home. Their experiences range from the humorous to the horrific.

This website offers more than 50 stories about experiences in the Armed Forces. Some were written by classmates about their own service, and others are about friends and family in the military.  

Many more of you have stories to tell, and we hope to hear from you this month. In the meantime, we will re-publish some of this website’s most popular veterans’ stories from 2020-2023.

 You can browse through our classmates’ military experiences in the following Tributes. Just click on the underlined links.

To find stories by individual veterans or family members, go to the Community page, find the Categories button (usually at the bottom of the page), scroll down and click on Veterans. The list of stories will appear. You can read them by clicking on the underlined titles.

Marilyn ( and Diane ( are willing to help you write your veteran’s story for your family and your classmates. We know that many of you are natural story-tellers. Tell us your story on the phone or by email, and we will help you get it into print.

And whenever you can, thank a veteran of any age for his or her service to our country!


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