The 100th Reunion: 100 Years of Excellence

On October 7, 2023, the 100th Year Edition of the BLUE ACE BULLETIN was published commemorating 100 years of Wichita High School East.  Thanks to Jake Jacobs, we have a copy of that paper and will present the articles from that publication to you.  This is the third in the series.  The title of this article is the original.

There are 100 facts located on the floor throughout the hallways of Wichita High School East, sharing the history and impact this school has made in the Wichita community.  Below is a sampling of what you will find in the hallways.

1. On October 8, 1923, the current East High building opened for use.
2. The current building is the 4th for Wichita High School/Wichita High School East.
3. Although the building was finished in 1923, Wichita High School became Wichita High School East in 1929.
4. Wichita High School/Wichita High School East traces its roots back to 1873.
5. In 1952, enrollment peaked at 3,324 with only 10th, 11th and 12th graders.
6. In 1988, East High welcomed 9th graders.
7. In 1990, East High took over the Roosevelt building.
8. 2024 is the 146th graduating class of Wichita High School/Wichita High School East.
9. The current school newspaper, The Messenger, began in 1893.
10. The square footage of the East High campus today is 443,814.
11. Wichita High School East has earned 106 State Championship Titles and 1 National Championship Title.
12. The latitude and longitude of Wichita East is 37deg, 41min, 2.99sec N – 97deg, 18min, 19.20sec W.
13. Wichita East is the largest school in Kansas.
14. There have been 58,847 students graduate from Wichita High School East during its stay in this building.
15. Wichita High School East was the first high school in Wichita to open a student-run coffee shop, deli, and sustainable urban garden.



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