Bob Wallick as Told by his Wife Cathie

Bob Wallick, 1960

Five years ago Bob had a “brain stroke” and he understands most all that we say; however, he can only speak very little.  He has learned to be somewhat of a charade character!  He reads voraciously and works outside when possible. We have a large property with alpacas and plenty of deer. 

Bob was a pilot for most all his life. He had a great time growing up with his dad, also a pilot.  The story is that Bob Junior was two years old, and during a flight, he decided to move himself up front so he could assist his dad.  I am pretty sure that Senior got things in order quickly!

Early after Bob’s episode (02/09/2017), I took him fishing on the Madison River in Montana.  He had a guide (Beartooth Fly Fishing) but only required help with his right hand which is still a bit of a bother. He had a great time for two days with the guides and later he walked along the river.  The picture shows how much fun he was having!

Bob loves to go up to the large Ford Ranch out on the Powder River.  It is a beautiful place and he always finds things to do.  With a friend we do some hunting for a few guests.  Bob also has a great collection of all kind of books, including finding old ranches and pictures of old families.

We have 42 female alpacas that are right across the road and 14 males at the ranch. I am no longer allowed to put the male alpacas in with the female alpacas, since we have too many.  But Bob takes care of everything including a skid steer for hauling huge hay rounds.  (It scares me to death.)  

Bob set up a space where anyone can visit the females and feed them if they want.  Shearing is coming up soon and he hops on the Gator to get things ready.  He also brings home LOTS of feed.  We are down to  five dogs and he also brings home way too much feed for the dogs!  There is a large area for birds and he keeps it full of bird seed.  There is a plethora of multi-colored  birds to enjoy.

In addition to all this working, he has to take a lot of naps during the day.  I usually find him on the floor in front of the (gas) fireplace.  He seems happy and I don’t think he has any remaining interest in flying or golf – two former passions.

Bob still has a sense of humor and we have learned to love well.

Thank you for caring about Bob.






  1. Glenna Park 3 years ago

    So many of us just love hearing about you and Bob. He has had a fascinating life and keeps right on working with his animals—not ordinary farm animals but alpacas! This is the time of life that we all will have abrupt endings, but I think Bob’s life teaches us to re-invent ‘ourselves. Love the photos and the positive message of his lifestyle.

  2. Knorr Ric 3 years ago

    A good read! Really enjoyed seeing,visiting and playing golf with Bob at our last Reunion 🙏🏻 Ric

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