Wichita – Fun Facts

Downtown Wichita at Dusk, 1970

The White Castle franchise started in Wichita.

Pizza Hut started in Wichita Kansas and was created by Wichita East High graduates.  The first Pizza Hut was at Bluff and Kellogg.

A. A. Hyde invented Mentholatum in Wichita Kansas in 1894.  He manufactured it in the current Spice Merchant and Company Building at 1300 E. Douglas.

Carrie Nation was famous for taking a hatchet to Wichita bars as a part of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union around 1900.

Gale Sayers was born in Wichita, Kansas in 1943.

Fred Koch founded the John Birch society in 1958 and held meetings in his Wichita home.

Charles Koch (president of Koch Industries) is the richest man in Kansas with an estimated worth of $45 billion.

Editor’s Note: Add your own fun facts in the Comments box below.


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