Don Lowe, Cars I Have Owned, Known and Greatly Enjoyed

Don Lowe

Who loved cars before 1960 and through today

’49 Ford with loud pipes. Buzzing Gae Amstutz’s (East ’61) house did not go well!  After I buzzed Gae’s house, her mother met me in the street waving her arms and I drove past her!  When I got home, my mother had already received a call. I was busted. Three years ago this month (after 61 years )

Gae and I reconnected and have been with each other since! People hear about these stories and this one is true. 

(Left, Gae Amstutz in 1960)

The 1940 Ford had burned out rings and when I took girls home from school the smoke screen looked like a crop duster.







Car #3.  This Chevy’s heater did not work and it had a hole in the front floorboard. Brent Blalock (East ’61) and I drove it to see Eddie Cochran sing and we froze our butts off!

 1957 Dodge Cornett

Led WSU walkout parade through the city to the Cotillion for a party to celebrate upending the #3 Cincinnati Bearcats.







1972 Chevy Monte Carlo – Brand New. The smoothest ride of any car I have owned. I would be driving along at 85 thinking I was doing 55. I only owned it a short time, then saw my first Corvette sitting in a showroom in Torrance, California

This is my new 1971 Corvette, just purchased in Torrance, California, with my combat pay after leaving Vietnam and arriving at my parents house in Wichita, Kansas.

 1972 Gran Torino –  I drove all over Europe ’73 to ’76 while serving in the U.S. Army. I had my brother drive it to Louisiana and the Army shipped it to me in Germany. I drove it through Germany, Spain, Holland and Liechtenstein! It was a great car and not one problem.







1979 Cadillac. This Caddy was first class – red leather seats and all the goodies!

1989 Camaro and unnamed girlfriend.  Both a little foggy to protect the innocent.



1997 Camaro, Seal Beach, California.

Another great ride. T-tops are the best when you are tooling down the beach. Hair is not blown, as in a convertible.

1997 Lincoln Mark VIII, Tustin, California. One of my grand mistakes. I could not stand this Lincoln! I didn’t own it very long.




2003 Mustang

One of the best cars I have owned. 5-speed and souped up engine. Real hot!

Below, same Mustang


Editors note.  As you can see, Don’s life has been filled with a variety of cars, propelling him through his military life and beyond.  Fun to see them all!  Don sent us this story in January 2021, and we published it right away. Don – what are you up to these days? Shopping for an electric car?

1 Comment
  1. Gene C 3 years ago

    Don, I know we love the Caddy and the Corvette, plus the Mustang and Camaros, but the Dodge Coronet with the wrap around windshield and the curved vent windows plus the extra fins was neat, too….thanks for the image of the smoking fog behind your early ones….Gene C

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