Fred Elder, Our Class

Wichita East High School

There were 693 of us on the official graduation list.  A few graduated a bit early and a few graduated the summer of 1960.  Of the 693 on the graduation list, we have active names and addresses today for 418, which is an amazing survival rate of 60.3%.  This certainly surpasses the national average which is currently about 50% for those born in 1942.  There are 236 people on our deceased list and 73 on our missing list.

An interesting fact – when you add those on our contact list, our deceased list and our missing list, the total is 727 – which means some of the names on our contact list graduated at a time not captured on our official graduation list.  Who knows, there might even be a Golden Buffalo or two hiding on our contact list.

Of those 418 on our contact list –

  • 162 live in Kansas (including 103 in Wichita)
  • 28 live in Texas
  • 26 live in California
  • 24 live in Colorado
  • 21 live in Missouri
  • 16 live in Florida
  • 16 live in DC, Virginia or Maryland
  • 14 live in Oklahoma
  • 11 live in Illinois
  • 5 live in Wisconsin
  • 5 live in Nevada
  • 4 live in Arkansas

So, where else are we?  All on our contact list are in the US, save one – that one is currently living in Canada and has written for this website. Click to see

One of our deceased class members is buried in New Zealand, but we have no additional information.

So, if you move to some fabulous place outside of the US, be sure and write and let us know so we can all come and visit you!


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