Perry Ann Porter, The June 20th Birthday Club

Happy Birthday, Perry Ann!

To: East High Aces

Date: June 10, 2024

Question – How many people do you know who have the same birthday date as you?

Believe it or not, I have continued meeting folks, all different ages, who have a connection to the Gemini Twins, with birthdays on June 20th. Why, I don’t know. The number of June 20 birthdays I have met has grown to 46 folks!

My connections to other June 20 birthdays all started at a bank on my last week as Peace Corps Volunteer in the Philippines. I explained to the same teller, who had waited on me for two years, that it was my birthday. He announced that it was his birthday, too.

It started to mushroom from there. 

I wrote to our local newspaper — “Join the 6/20 Club.  Enjoy this month, treat yourself.” 

Actually, I treat myself during the whole month of June, and I always share a root beer float with friends. This year, my Book Club friends and I are driving across the Hood Canal Bridge, a mile-long floating bridge, heading to the Spruce Goose Cafe. This fly-in diner, known for its pies, is located at the Jefferson County International Airport in Port Townsend. From our table in the diner, we will watch take-offs and landings, then we will tour the Air Museum right next door. 

Besides my birthday, we will be celebrating the memory of John Wayne, who once owned my tugboat, Cotton 6.

June 20 is a special day for me!

Hello to everyone and happy summer,

Perry Ann in chilly, sunny, 50 degrees Poulsbo, Washington


Editors Note: Perry Ann wrote a longer story about the June 20 Club and has also written the saga of her days as a tugboat owner. Click on the titles to read these stories.

We hope you will share your birthday stories with us. Send a note to Marilyn (, Diane ( or Fred (





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