Jake Jacobs, A Three-Day Vacation

Gerald “Jake” Jacobs, 1960

It was a typical Kansas day when Jake and Ernie were juniors at East High and the boys’ gym class was sent outside for some exercise.  As luck would have it, Jake Jacobs and Ernie Freow decided things were not going as they should and a fight broke out between the two of them. (Jake claims Ernie started the fracas.  Perhaps Ernie will wade in with a comment and give his side of the story.)  In short order, Jake was in Vernon Kirby’s office.

Jake began the conversation, noting how he had enjoyed his musical experience under Vice Principal Kirby’s wife’s tutelage at Mathewson Junior High.  (You see, Mr. Kirby’s wife was the music teacher at Mathewson.)

Vice Principal Kirby concluded the conversation by saying, “Jake, that won’t work.  I will see you back in school in three days.”  And Jake had an unplanned three-day vacation from school that some might see as a suspension.


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