Out for a Walk #3: David Kroenlein, Creepy Crawly Critters

David Melby ’60, “Missouri River from Ft. Leavenworth”

David Melby was celebrated for his landscapes. You can see a small collection of his paintings in the Gallery.  A few of us see landscapes with a painter’s eye.  Others view the outdoors through different lenses. “Out for a Walk” is an occasional feature on this website.


Two young naturalists took their grandfather, David Kroenlein, out for a walk to see creepy crawlies on Greensprings Trail, James City County, VA.  

First, they found red efts – the juvenile eastern newt, a kind of salamander (left).

Second, a more familiar amphibian, a tiny frog. (below)





A mantis was also out for a walk.




…as was a millipede underneath a fence railing.




The next finds of the sharp-eyed naturalists were a marbled salamander and a snake.








Finally, hard-working spiders showed their skills and an aerial display.








Editor’s Note: Many thanks to the grandfather/photographer for sharing the pictures of what he saw when Out for a Walk. Click on this link to see Out for a Walk #1, February 2021, and Out for a Walk #2, May, 2021.

We are hoping that summer inspires you to go Out for a Walk and send us photos of what you see.

  1. Barbara Hammond 4 years ago

    Hi David,
    In my family we call these sightings, “Nature-in-Action.” You and your pals discovered a dynamite collection of activity! Will expect to read about these two famous zoologists in about 25 years.

  2. Glenna Stearman Park 7 months ago

    This is an endearing report. There is such pleasure in simple things with children. My valuable memories are from times with my sons, like when JT showed me trap door spiders in the ground. JT gently opened the door and the spider reached up and slammed it shut. I have enjoyed a special education from my sons sharing their finds with me!

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