Gratia Boyle, East’s Vocal Music Maestro

Gratia Boyle

After graduating from Northwestern University in 1924, Gratia Boyle only held one other position in music before coming to Wichita East.  She started teaching at Grand Island, NE in 1924, then began an almost 40-year career at East when she was hired as a music teacher in 1925.  Her tenure continued until April, 1964.  She earned her masters degree from Wichita University. (Right, Gratia Boyle in the 1929 Yearbook)

Conducting Chorus

Conducting Chorus

Miss Boyle maximized the extraordinary vocal talent in the large student body of East High School. Her choral groups performed across the state for public audiences, which both helped to recruit singers and built the excellent reputation of her ensembles.  Boyle led performances of major choral works such as The Messiah, where Boyle’s soloists starred.

Boys Ensemble was one of the choral groups that Gratia Boyle auditioned, trained, rehearsed, and conducted.

From left to right: John Spencer, Bob Gates, Waldemar Orlow, and Barry Farmer, all ’61; Mart Ebert, ’60; Ed Nigh and Bob Briscoe, both ’61; and Jim Cunningham, ’60.

Gratia Boyle collaborated with her Music Department colleagues to produce musical performances by the three East choirs, boys’ and girls’ ensembles, Madrigal, and soloists. For “Do Re Mi,” a spring 1960 musical, she prepared three Boys’ Ensemble members – Charles Briscoe, ’60; Martin Ebert, ’60; and Bob Gates, ’61 – to sing the sweet barbershop harmonies of “Lida Rose.”

Her influence and excellent reputation as a music educator extended beyond the halls of East.  In 1943, she was elected president of the Southwestern Music Educators’ conference.

“At the same conference in 1941, Miss Boyle received much favorable attention and comment upon the presentation of the musical panorama ‘Children of the South Wind,’ an ambitious musical project on an historical theme, presented by a large chorus in costume at the Forum.”  The Wichita Eagle, March 15, 1943.

She also served as the president of the alumna group Theta Sigma Phi, an honorary society for women in journalism, in 1964.  She was  a past president of the Wichita Civic Music Association and served several terms as president of the Southwest Music Educators.

Miss Boyle passed away on November 28, 1964, in Wichita, KS at the age of 62.  She was born May 19, 1902, in Wichita to Orville and Grace Boyle, who predeceased her in 1952.

Miss Boyle was a member of First Methodist Church, Music Educators National Conference, Kansas State Teachers Association, Saturday Music Club, Wichita Business and Professional Women, and Wichita Civic Music Association. 

Services were held at First Methodist Church and Miss Boyle was buried in Maple Grove Cemetery with Downing Mortuary in charge.

Editor’s Note:  Please send us your memories of Gratia Boyle as part of your music experience at East.

1 Comment
  1. Marcia Benjamin O'Donnell 6 months ago

    Gratia Boyle was an amazing woman. She did all that was listed but still found time to help anyone. 😍😘😍😘

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