Gerald “Jake” Jacobs, 1960
Many in our class ventured north of Wichita to that sand pit known as Courtney Davis Lake Resort. Most of us did not know it got its name from the owner, one Courtney B. Davis, an oil and gas operator and a transplant from Texas. None of us went often due to the cost and to the fact that we all had summer jobs.
The sand pit was relatively large, had concessions on shore, and had several rafts anchored where swimmers could clamber on board and soak in the sun.
One summer’s day, I ventured to Courtney Davis. After changing, I spied a raft with some East High girls lounging on board. Doing what most high school boys would do, I swam out to the raft and hung on to the side to engage the girls in conversation. Soon, I was bitten by a fish squarely on my breast. It even drew a little blood.
I still remember Audrey Pegg’s admonition, ” Lucky you had on your swim trunks!”