Charles Briscoe, My Music Journey

Charlie Briscoe

A book we were required to read in English Literature was A Tale of Two Cities. The opening line in the story depicts the beginning journey for a high school student: “It was the best of times, it was  worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.”

Charlie Briscoe, 1960

As young men and women, we were propelled through our journey of wisdom and foolishness by outstanding teachers whose love for learning was the key to building appreciation for all courses chosen by their students. 

The key for appreciation of music was set in motion by the Wichita School Board as we emerged from elementary school and junior high. If I remember correctly, one could ride the city bus to East High or the Forum and listen to a symphony orchestra play for only 25 cents. 

When we arrived at East High in 1957, we had the finest leaders and teachers in music and drama. Ms. Gratia Boyle directed the Mixed Choir & Madrigal Singers. Mr. Vernon Nicholson led the Men’s Choir, Boys Quartet & Men’s Ensemble. Miss Mary Reese led the Girls Glee Club, and Mr. Kenneth Thompson conducted both the 115-member marching band and the school orchestra. Mr. Bill Foster served as the Drama Instructor and Director of the stage productions.  

I was fortunate to sing in the Boys Choir as a sophomore and the Mixed Choir and Men’s Ensemble as a junior and senior. I always wanted to be in the Band, so I had taken trombone and drum lessons at Friends University; however, I had to go to summer school to have time in my schedule for Band. Mr. Thompson knew I needed more time to develop my skills for Band and he did not have that additional time to polish my trombone skills; therefore, I stuck to singing!

My younger brother Robert and I sang all the way through elementary, junior high and high school for school assemblies, dances and Bible Club. Our younger sister began singing with us and we entertained at many different civic clubs, churches, U.S.O Clubs throughout a four-state area. We also began singing on radio and television in 1952. Our mother, who was an accomplished pianist, accordion and organ player as well as teacher, always played for us as we sang, and our father helped with changing our costumes for the different songs. (Above, Charlie and Bob Briscoe ’61 singing ” Mary is a Grand Old Name,” dressed as World War I soldiers in the 1960 Musical, “Do Re Mi.”)

My brother went on to entertain with the David Merck Equity Theater in New York City and did so until he was in his 30’s. Robert changed careers and went to law school and began working in the legal department for Boeing Airplane Company. He retired in 2017. My sister finished her degree at Friends University and spent most of her career as the head of a local credit union.

I married my wife in 1965.  She was a music major, and we have been blessed to have sung in Europe, South America, Canada and around the USA. In 1966, I was commissioned by our denomination to serve in youth ministry and as an associate minister. We served in Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia, Kansas, Tennessee and back to Virginia. From 1980 to 2001, I served as a senior pastor. During these years of ministry, I directed church worship music, youth choirs, convocations and coordinated traveling youth choirs.

Music has always been an important part of my life.  A poet wrote and I quote, “Music can soothe the savage beast and bring peace to the troubled heart.” I have found this to be true in my journey throughout life.

Editor’s Note: In addition to singing, Charles Briscoe could run, and run, and run. He was a member of East High’s State Championship Cross-Country Team.

1959 State Championship Cross-Country Team: Dave Ware ’62, Larry Bryan ’60, Bob Ware ’60, Charles Briscoe ’60, Carl Hodges ’61, Mike McKee ’61, Bob Kinzy ’60, Eric Knorr ’60, John Deardorff, ’60.


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