David Kroenlein, “Let’s Go to the Videotape” – Remembering 9/11

  1. Gene 3 years ago

    Thoughtful reflections on a dreadful day. Easy to forget worries of others, including one’s own child as I did while sitting in Washington DC with no responsibility for anything. Thanks.

  2. Lee Ayres 3 years ago

    Thanks for telling us your story of what it was like to have friends arriving at the train station in Scarsdale covered with ashes. Vivid. Gives new meaning to the name of your town.

  3. Glenna Park 5 months ago

    Very somber reminder of a national tragedy that seemed to ground us in our shared beliefs and our shared grief. David alerted us to the common decency of the general public when faced with such a stunning attack. That day was a powerful reminder of our core philosophy in a united nation.
    It also made us think of family as well as community. Knowing of the planning in Scarsdale informed us of the need to be alert to needs beyond our own families and to commitment of our communities.

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