Jim Banks, Coach Timmons’ Wisdom Lives On

Jim Banks, 1960

Remembering Coach Bob Timmons

Timmy was the best teacher I ever had. He once gave us a lesson that I can still use, if necessary, with my great-granddaughters.

It was track practice, early spring, very windy, nearly freezing. We had run our half-mile warmup before Timmy’s chalk talk. He finished his outline of the day’s practice with “time for wind sprints.”

John Deardorff

Either John Deardorff or Bob Ware, each a tremendous athlete, asked, “Oh, Coach, do we have to?”

Timmy’s reply was a life lesson of the highest order for me. “No, John, you get to.”

I have used that line with my children, my grandchildren, and all the athletes and sales people I have coached in the 60 years since.

Below: Timmons times world champion miler Jim Ryun.

1 Comment
  1. glenna park 2 years ago

    Jim, that single line changes one’s perspective about everything a person faces in life. Timmons was certainly a skilled motivator. He has been revered by many!

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