Skip Granger, Turning 80 in Style

For my 80th birthday, we wanted to do something special that would include our entire family and some special friends. We have always loved Las Vegas, where we try to visit each year.  I first went there in the 1950’s with my parents, but it changes every year, so we visit regularly. We love the Marriott Grand Chateau Suites and stay there often – one half block off the Strip, no smoking, no gaming and no pimping! Free valet parking and two rooftop pools made it perfect; so we got a suite on the 32nd floor with a view overlooking the Strip, and off we went to the races.

My son Trey made a special 80th birthday surprise video for me with many of my special friends and family involved. He sat me down with a box of tissues and fired away.  It is truly an incredible treat which I will share with you here – 

As my friend Dan Tontz said therein, ”You are not 80. Rather, you are 40, the third time around!” Another friend said that anyone who makes it to 80 is a warrior.  Those statements made me feel especially good.  My best friend, Russell Kempt, (who just turned 50 this year) took us to dine at the Ritz Carlton on Half Moon Bay for my 60th birthday, and since they carried our Starry Night wines, he ordered a bottle and toasted me for my 50th. Boy, were they ever embarrassed to learn my true age.  So many special friends and family were in the video. Since I am too old to pat myself on the back, I have watched it at least 15 times to relive ”This is your Life,” but I have shed no tears.

When my sister, Brenda, was killed in a midair collision over Aspen on her 40th birthday in 1980, I gave up celebrating my birthday for many years, except for my wife’s delicious cheesecake, which has become an annual tradition. At left is my granddaughter Zoe, who helped to decorate this year’s cheesecake.

Granddaughter Zoe, 12

I have always loved magic, so Mary Ann purchased nine tickets to one of the best comedy magicians in town.  We had seen Mac King some years ago when his tickets cost 10 times less than they cost this year.  Ain’t inflation great!

We dined and drank in some of Vegas’ best, and the hotel held a rooftop pool party, which we all enjoyed until the DJ said that there was an 80 year old dude who looks like Burl Ives celebrating his 80th birthday and invited me to sing!

All in all, it was an amazing birthday, and one that I will never forget.  After all, memory is the second thing to go!

  1. Marcia O'Donnell 2 years ago

    I loved it! You are so blessed with family and friends. Take care.

  2. glenna park 2 years ago

    Clearly you have never been bored and have an abundance of good friends. I understand how you must enjoy the video wishes from life-long friends. I want to know how you did that card trick! From what I have seen of your early painting, you seem to have a lot of raw, creative talent. You definitely have enough different things going for you to fill up the next 20 years!

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