Lee Ayres, U.S. Army, 1967-69

Lt. Lee Ayres, U.S. Army, 1967-69

I served as a Lieutenant in the U.S. Army with the 95th Civil Affairs Group, Fort Gordon, Georgia from April, 1967 to April, 1969.


    • Finance Officer School, Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana.
    • Civil Affairs School, Fort Gordon, Georgia, graduated 1st in my class.
    • Served as the “S-2” Unit Intelligence Officer with a Top-Secret security clearance. Responsible for periodic briefings for the Commanding Officer and the custody of US Army Contingency Plans for several countries.
    • Member of a Mobile Training Team that delivered presentations on counter-insurgency warfare at major army bases throughout the country. Preparation included meetings with Psychological Operations at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and the Special Operations Command and CIA in Washington, DC.
    • Taught a course in American Economic History at Augusta College.


    • Opportunity to serve my country during the Vietnam War, grow professionally, and develop the insights and discipline to work in a huge military organization.
    • Our unique unit had 90+ officers with 50% annual turnover. Talented, colorful, people. Many became good friends who went on to have very interesting careers.
    • Several intense experiences, punctuated by moments of great camaraderie.    

 At our 55th   reunion, when I learned Floyd Watson became a full Colonel in the US Army, I saluted him!


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