Very best wishes to all of you for holidays full of good cheer!
This week on the 1960 Reunion website, you will find a collection of holiday memories contributed by classmates. It’s not too late to add your own stories and good wishes. Marilyn ( and Diane ( can handle last minute deliveries.
Since the Class of 1960 Reunion started on September 1, 2020, this website has produced
- 7 website pages
- 120 stories from 60 classmates
- 12 galleries containing more than 600 photos
- 600 visitors who viewed website items nearly 9,000 times.
During the first week of 2021 (more cheers!), the website will feature the most frequently read stories of 2020. We hope you will enjoy browsing and will send your own contributions in 2021.
Hearty applause and extra sugar plums for personal and financial support of this website go to Lee Ayres, Gene Carter, Fred Elder, Barb Hammond, Rich Hayes, David Kroenlein, Calvin Ross, Diane Rusch Zinn, Debbie Snyder Tucker, Glenna Stearman Park, Tom Tatlock, Marilyn Tompkins Bellert, and Ron Troy.
Looking forward to more connections, more sharing, and more laughs with you in 2021,
Thanks to all and may you have a very blessed Christmas
Wishing You and Yours
an Enjoyable Holiday and
Happiness and Wellness in
the New Year!!!
Hopefully in 2021 the healing process will begin.
Seems like yesterday !