Gerald “Jake” Jacobs
In high school I had a slick ’51 Chevy Bel Air. Light blue, and two-door of course, because that was cool. I usually parked on English Street between Grove and Poplar.
A lot of other guys parked there too, including Kent James, Dick McKay, Jim Pickett, Art Casado, Kenny Banwart, Jerry Martin, Brett Hesser and probably a few others.
Girls also parked there or stopped by after school. Some that I remember were Vicki Pettit, Josie Pritchard, Glenda Nell, Carol Kendall, Peg Moore, Sharon Cone, and Audrey Pegg.
One fine day the group was hanging out; the boys were probably talking about wine, women, and song.

Becky Siebert Machacek

Linda Soderberg McKay
Then trouble arrived. It was Becky Siebert and Linda Soderberg wanting someone to give them a ride to their car a couple of blocks to the east. They were staring right at me, so I told them to hop on. At that moment I had two beautiful fender ornaments! Becky on one and Linda on the other.
I was driving slowly down English toward Green when we got caught by the police.
We three attended Traffic School every Monday night for a month. Dang women always got me in trouble!
Ahaaa! Such fond memories. Seems like we could be daring in those days, but would have to push wheel chairs today!