Messenger News from October 1957

Editor’s Note: The following stories were in the October 4, 1957 edition of “The Messenger.”

East’s Enrollment Drops 594: First Week, 2,790 in School

Five hundred ninety four fewer students are attending East this year than last year. This represents the largest decrease in enrollment in any one year in the 34 years since the opening of East in 1923. In the past, new public schools in Wichita have resulted in a sizable decrease of East’s enrollment, taking 450-600 students every time a new school opened.

In 1929 when North opened its doors to Wichita students, East’s enrollment dropped from 3,326 to 2,854, a decrease of 472 students. This year, largely due to the opening of Southeast High, Wichita’s newest high school, East’s enrollment dropped from 3,384 to 2,790. 

According to Miss Flora Stebbins, East’s assistant principal, 829 of East’s students are seniors; 844 are juniors, and 1,117 are sophomores.

Although East’s enrollment dropped almost 600, its present enrollment rates it as the biggest high school in Wichita. North places second with 1,953 students and West takes third with 1,920.  Southeast, being the smallest as well as the newest, takes last with 1,550. 

Editor’s Note: The following story illustrates that old saying that there’s nothing new under the sun.

Adventurous Youths Dye Hair to Match Clothes, Seasons

“I almost decided to dye my hair green last night,” stated a tall model-type brunette recently in a conversation with her friends in the halls of East High.

This may seem a little far-fetched, but actually a whole new spectrum of colors sporting such come-on names as Golden Apricot, Sparkling Sherry, Fire Silver, and Champagne Beige are available to tint the heads of stylish women everywhere.

Many years ago, the business of hair dyeing was a secretive art, reserved largely for show people and those women considered to be daring and rather shocking. Women retired to back rooms or behind locked doors to brew their mystic dyes. On the other hand, today women consider tinted hair a real asset.

To girls who may be considering joining the ranks of color-mad women, here’s a word from the wise. Beauticians say that if the hair is allergic to the particular type of dye used, it may begin to break off at the ends or turn out with various shades of the desired color.

Some girls have made the mistake of failing to tell their boyfriends about their tinted hair, and it became very embarrassing to explain exactly why she had black roots under red hair.

The cost of up-keep on the new eye-catching hair shades may sometimes be staggering. Since a touch-up job is needed every four weeks, a slice out of the monthly allowance to the tune of $6 can amount to $72 by the end of the year.

If money is no object, colored hair offers a field of adventure for girls. To go along with those matching outfits for boys and girls, the pair could get a matching shade of hair. A tint to match one’s wardrobe or a boyfriend’s car may soon become the latest thing.

Now Showing at Local Theaters:

The Miller – “The Sun also Rises” with  Tyrone Power and Ava Gardner.  Admission 90 cents for adults

The Orpheum – “Hatful of Rain” with  Eva Marie Saint and Don Murray

A Comment from Myrtle Yarnell, English Teacher 

In an extensive trip throughout Europe, Mrs. Yarnell noted that some places had little fresh water and that she had to pay 20 cents for a glass of water and 60 cents for a quart.  That was a lot back in 1957!




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