The Messenger Masthead, 1960
As a tribute to all the memories in the Messengers of the past, we will feature one story a month through September, 2025. All the stories will be taken from Messenger issues published during our last semester at East. We hope you enjoy them. Here is the first.
“Odd” Sophomore. “No, Chet, down boy. No, you can’t come in here. Get down off the window ledge before Mr. Cromer catches you,” warned Lee Bacon, ’60 (at left) to Chet Hall, ’62. The poor “odd” sophomore, seeing his senior idol all alone in the lab off 509, decided to climb in to keep her company.
However, Lee didn’t care for the idea. After coaxing and begging Chet to get down, all to no avail, Lee finally lowered the window on him and the defeated sophomore slunk out of sight just as Mr. Cromer opened the door to investigate the commotion.
Lee Bacon
Abductors. “Okay, we’ll give you back your coat if you’ll just stop running barefooted down the middle of Douglas in the rain!” pleaded Dave Barrier, Kent Vickery, and Jim Brammer (at left), all ’60, to Dick Carlock, also ’60.
However, since Dick (at right) wouldn’t give in, the boys overtook him and dragged him to the car. About that time, a curious passer-by stopped and demanded to know what was going on. As the frantic Dick screeched, “Help me, please! I’m being kidnapped!” the man hurried away to call the police and rescue the poor senior. The sheepish boys hurried to explain to the would-be “good Samaritan” that it was all a joke.
Espresso Cafe. “The Espresso Cafe presents Poetry Musings of Saturn and Pluto” r
ead the sign on the blackboard in room 720. As the creaking door slowly opened, the two most prominent beatchicks (feminine for beatnik) in the East High pad were revealed in the darkness. Kay Consolver (at right) and Kay Brinnon, ’60 (at left), attired in the traditional black of the beatnik world, faded into the scene while the Latin Club audience sat in awed silence, engrossed in the poetic rhythm of their contemporaries, like wow!
Editor’s Note: I will bring all the Messengers that were handed over to me at our reunion in 2022 to display, and they will be available for the taking to anyone who would like to have them. Diane.