Zoomers, October 17, 2024 First row, left to right: Marilyn Tompkins Bellert, Fred Elder, Dan Tontz, Diane Rusch Zinn; Second row,...
Feel free to email us mbellert@niu.edu (Reunion Website Editor, Marilyn Bellert)
Archive for category: Health and Wellness
Lee and Shelley Ayres In our Zoom #29 discussion of birthdays, Lee told us that he looks forward to...
Wichita, 1948 1948 was an interesting year for many reasons. New cars were now available, after being unavailable during...
Gerald Fry Dr. Peter Attia and Bill Gifford have recently written a best-selling book titled Outlive: The Science and...
Ronnie Troy’s Community Spirit Leads to Educating Physicians
Health and Wellness, Times of Our LivesRonnie Troy at the 50th Reunion, 2010 Ronnie Troy believes that if you are a part of the community...
“A Beautiful Older Woman” The ER Cardiac Routine, Again Sitting in the comfortable wing back chair after the late...
Author Christian Worstell is a health and lifestyle writer living in Raleigh, NC 2022. Editor’s note: Almost exclusively, this...
Jim Hamilton, 1960 Editor’s Note: Jim’s Ft. Myers home and belongings were damaged severely by Hurricane Ian, but...
Row 1, left to right: Dan Tontz, Fred Elder, Tom Tatlock. Row 2: Glenna Stearman Park, Diane Rusch Zinn, Mert...
Gerald Fry Thailand has a higher percentage of elderly people than any developing nation on earth. In just two...