Margo Looney was a member of the American Red Cross teams of young female college graduates who were...
Feel free to email us (Reunion Website Editor, Marilyn Bellert)
Editor’s Note: Many of our classmates worked in healthcare careers. At least one, Tom Tatlock, is still active with...
Margo Dianne Looney, 1960 Margo Looney earned recognition at East High for her brains, talent, leadership abilities, and commitment...
THE MESSENGER: “Ask What to Do, How to Act” What to do, where to go, how much to...
Janice Collins 1959-60 I was on the Peppy Pilots committee and one of our projects was to create...
Gene Carter, 1960 To live, one has to move forward, but only then can you look back figuring out...
Zooming with the Aces #33, Staying Connected – Oct.17, 2024
Health and Wellness, Memories, Times of Our LivesZoomers, October 17, 2024 First row, left to right: Marilyn Tompkins Bellert, Fred Elder, Dan Tontz, Diane Rusch Zinn; Second row,...
Alfred Jones In recent years I have frequently recalled memories from my senior year. A particular memory is when...