On September 6, Class President Lee Ayres announced that our postponed 60th Reunion is being rescheduled for April 2023, or sooner if possible. Read his announcement here.
Dan Tontz, My Reunion Decision, summarizes Dan’s thinking last week about whether to attend the reunion in Wichita in October, 2021.
The comments below were collected from email conversations with Lee Ayres about this decision.
Calvin Ross – “I fully agree with the proposal, its supportive fa ctors, and your observation about the website and Zoom calls. We’ll hope that the haze of COVID-19 variants will substantially clear—better yet be entirely gone — by late April, 2023. Thank you for your leadership.”
Diane Rusch Zinn – “I think we have no choice but to cancel the fall reunion, as much as I dislike having to do so. I’m particularly in agreement with what Marilyn, Fred, and Gene have said. I do hope we can monitor the Covid situation smartly enough to perhaps re-schedule for April, 2022. As you’ve said, Lee, we’re not getting any younger.
“Meanwhile, continuing the website, with hopefully more participation from the class since the reunion is off, and scheduling some large Zoom sessions are both good interim strategies to keep us all in touch.
“A friend told me this morning about a New York Times article that said the Delta variant is beginning to wane here, just as it has in India. If this is accurate, that may be a good harbinger for rescheduling in April, 2022.”
Fred Elder – “Unfortunately, I think current Covid statistics leave little choice but to cancel. (Wichita’s vaccination rate is 38.7%) If any want to host their own limited events, we can publicize those on the website, but even that sounds like less than a good idea at this point. After all, we must consider that our age alone puts us in the most vulnerable group for Covid issues, and that most of us who are vaccinated will be nearing our eight month mark for the vaccination – meaning the vaccination effectiveness will be waning even further. Also, it is unfortunately true that the United States is seeing an increase in the so-called breakthrough Covid cases where fully vaccinated people are becoming infected with Covid. I am aware that several group events both nationally and in Wichita scheduled for early October of this year are being cancelled for this same reason – Covid. “I believe it is possible to raise requisite funds for the future, but as to the physical reunion, I believe it is better to focus those funds on a ‘full weekend’ in spring or fall 2022, rather than waiting to 2023.”
Glenna Park – “I agree with the cancellation of the October in-person-reunion. I think that when the event happens we might expand to a East-North-West-and Southeast event or what configuration attracts enough people to cover basic costs of an event. Meanwhile, the website is fun, and I think the Zoom meetings will be a treat.
“Lee – You, Gene, Fred, Marilyn, Diane, and others have put in a lot of work. This has been a generous amount of work that the rest of us are enjoying. I think that the other high schools might find our web page a good model for their schools. Meanwhile I have more stories rumbling around in my head!”
Gene Carter – “Understand and agree with the recommendation. It’s a big disappointment, and I endorse Fred’s thought that we hang lose if things look better soon rather than restrict to spring 2023. Thanks to Diane, Marilyn and Fred for website, Ron for banking, and Lee for juggling. Keep musing, Glenna.”
Marilyn Bellert – “Many thanks to Lee for his thoughtful work in consulting with classmates, considering data, and developing this recommendation. I also support postponement until April, 2023. If, however, the COVID situation changes dramatically, I would certainly be willing to consider an earlier option. Thanks to all for thinking through our options over the past weeks!
“The website team has very much appreciated the ongoing participation and encouragement received from dozens of classmates. It has been gratifying and has kept us going. That said, if continuing the website represents an important strategy for sustaining connections among our classmates, we will need commitments for funding, writing, and other kinds of participation.”
Skip Granger – “Lee et al – I fully agree with your assessment of the situation. As you know, Mary Ann and I decided yesterday to cancel our trip, and my call today was to assure our group decision before beginning to cancel our two weeks of reservations. I agree that if circumstances change, we should revisit the issue.”
Charlie Briscoe – “Lee, I understand the reasoning behind the canceling of the class reunion and the health fears that many of your board are holding. The health and safety of each person attending is the first consideration. This past weekend, I just finished a large softball tournament here in Virginia. I started this tournament in 1979, and my family and I have run this event for 43 years. This year we had 60 Church teams from 15 states from Arkansas to New York and from Florida to Indiana. We played 223 games in two days on 16 fields and held a wo
rship service with 1200 people singing and seating in an open seating and raised $50,000.00 for ministry in Paraguay, South America. It is always a tough call to host or cancel an event. Thanks for all the work you and the group have put in to bring this about now or in the future. ”
Lee Ayres – “Charlie, I admire your gumption. Our class has demonstrated agility with purpose in overcoming many challenges in the past year.”
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