Ron Haun, A Traveling Christmas Remembrance

Traveling with Friends

Ron Haun (at right)  preserved the 1960 Christmas card above, and here is his story.

I don’t remember whether Danny Kinney or Floyd Watson sent this Christmas card to me in Wichita, but it just might be the most-traveled Christmas card in East High history.  We moved a lot and this card went with me:

  • Three moves in Wichita  
  • Then to San Antonio, Texas in 1973  
  • Two additional moves in San Antonio  
  • Next to Plano, Texas in 1977.  The card rested a few years in Plano. 
  • Then it went over the big pond to London, England in 1985. 
  • Then back across the big pond to Plano, Texas in 1988  
  • On to Houston, Texas in 1991  
  • Another move in Houston  
  • Moved to Denver, Colorado in 1996  
  • Finally, when I retired from Electronic Data Systems after 23 years, we moved to Gunnison, Colorado in 1999. 
  • Two more moves in Gunnison  
  • Probably our last move to Aurora, Colorado, this October 22, 2021

That adds up to 16 moves.  This card has traveled more than I ever thought I would experience when I was growing up in Wichita, Kansas.  And all I can say after listing the moves is this: my wife Colleen (Colleen Kernohan ’61) and I have had a great life!!

I feel very fortunate to have grown up in Wichita at the time that I did, as I met many good people and made life-long friendships. 

Editor’s Note: Ron Haun, Floyd Watson, and Dan Kinney have sustained their friendship for more than 60 years. For many, close relationships have endured in spite of  large size of the class, the many years, and many experiences that separate us.

You can read Dan Kinney’s memories of his stint as Santa Claus here.




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