Jane Thompson Olson, On the Road Again

Jane Thompson Olson, 2022

Greetings from Hanna Park in Jacksonville FL!  It’s time to board the JAMVAN and take off for new and old places.

We are certainly enjoying the weather here. Yesterday it was 78 and 😎.  However, the day after we arrived  on January 12, the temps dropped to 48 and kept going down into the high 20’s. Fortunately, that was a short-lived cold spell. Being here is especially fun because my high school friend Dallas Crump lives here. She and Mike do a wonderful job of entertaining us, along with loaning us her Smart car.
Kathryn Hanna Park is located along the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. This 450 acre park has freshwater lakes, sunny beaches and wooded campsites. It also features multiple biking and walking trails. To us, it feels like being in a jungle as our campsite backs up to thick stands of live oak draped in moss and giant palms. So far no sightings of any creatures.
Our adventures began on December 27th when our good friend Ron Stevens picked us up at the New Bern, NC airport. Next day we were cleaning and organizing to get JamVan ready to travel. (Paul had driven the RV to NC in October.) Always fun to see Ron and Louise! Before leaving NC, we drove  to Oriental and parked at Lynn and Bill Speas’ home. So fun to visit with good friends from the neighborhood and beyond!!  Has it really been 5+ years since we moved to Park Ridge, Illinois?!
December 31 found us in Charleston on James Island at the county park. The incredible light show with displays all over the park ended that night, so we got there just in time.  A big treat for us was a visit from niece Adrienne, Doug and Hayden who came from Charlotte in their RV! We biked, walked and enjoyed conversation around the campfire 🔥
We spent two nights near Savannah and arrived in Jacksonville on the 12th. A big highlight was watching the SpaceX launch. Even though we were 100+ miles away we were able to see it clearly.
It’s been fun to be in Jacksonville amidst all the “Go Jags” 🏈 excitement especially since our beloved Packers didn’t play so well this season. 😭
Other than a hiccup with our mail being forwarded, the backup camera not working and Jane’s bringing in the New Year with a short and mild case of COVID, we are enjoying our always fun and interesting adventures!! We are truly blessed to be able to experience this nomadic lifestyle.
Cheers to turning 80 and keeping on…🎉🥂
We are looking forward to spending February at Stock Island in the Keys. We’ll send news from there.
Editor’s Note: Jane has written in past years about the RV life.
Larry Statham has retired from life on the road, but still likes to talk about it.  See  “RV Life on the Road Part 1andPart 2.” 

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