Rod Pierce Checks In

Rodney Pierce, 1960

Email from Rodney in August 2023:

I’m Rodney Lee Pierce. 

I didn’t make the 10th class reunion, because during that anniversary, I was overseas in Vietnam and the Philippines.  Plus, my little sister said the 1960 class wasn’t going to have a reunion in 2020, so I didn’t make that one either.

To give you a little update —  I spent 24 years in the Navy and retired as an E9 (Command Master Chief).  I spent five tours in Vietnam in rescue helicopters. 

I have been married for over 62 years.  We have 3 daughters, 10 grandkids and 15 great grandkids. 

I totally retired in 2004 and am enjoying life!  I hope to see who’s left in 2025.  Keep me up to date. 

Sincerely, Rodney Pierce   

Editor’s Note: The weekly photos of “Missing” classmates represent our latest efforts to locate more than 70 Class of 1960 graduates for whom we have no contact information. This series has motivated us to look harder for the MIAs. Those increased efforts resulted in finding Rodney Pierce.  He emailed the above note to us. As usual, we asked for a story. Last week, Rod added the following comment to the “Tribute to Navy Veterans” story on the website.

Rodney Pierce, September 15, 2023:  After I retired from the Navy, I went to work for General Dynamics as the West Coast Rep for the Tomahawk Cruise missile.  I wrote two pre-operational support manuals for the vertical surface ship and the submarine-launched Cruise missiles.  Also, I wrote the ground launched Cruise missile evacuation plan when President Ronald Regan signed the  INF treaty.  I supported both the Navy and Air Force.  In addition, I supported the advanced Cruise Missile. 

After General Dynamics, I worked as a supervisor for the largest pest control company on the West Coast.  I retired in 2004 two weeks  before I turned 62.


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