Dixie Crown, 1960 Unfortunately, we have no information about Dixie. Editors Note: We are publishing a series highlighting those...
Archive for year: 2023
Class of 1960 Zoomers, 3/16/23 Host Fred Elder convened the Zoom session at 3 p.m. He asked the Zoomers...
Mary Lohrenz Fox, 1942-2020 Editor’s Note: Mary wrote the following piece for our 45th Reunion Messenger in 2005. It’s...
Rose Chichester, 1960 Unfortunately, we have no information about Rose. Editors Note: We are publishing a series highlighting...
John Richard Carlisle, 1960 Unfortunately, we have no definitive information about John. Courtesy of Barb Hammond, we have...
David Alldritt, 1942-2008 Drayton Alldritt, East High ’80 “Big Ol’ Dave,” Reflections for the East Hi Class of ‘60...
Janet Bush, 1960 Unfortunately, we have no information about Janet. Editors Note: We are starting a series highlighting those...
Keeper of the Plains Where currents of the Little Arkansas churn into wider waters of a deeper river, he...
Charles David Brut Unfortunately, we have no information about Charles. Editors Note: We are starting a series highlighting those...
In Loving Memory Jim Davidson, Jr., M.D. Jim Davidson was born in Springfield, MA., January 19, 1942 and died...