Out for a Walk

Out for a Walk

Above – David Melby, Missouri River from Ft. Leavenworth

What do you see when you are out for a walk? Share your photos and comments from your walks. This group of photos walks was originally published in 2021, before Jim Hamilton’s condo washed away in a hurricane. Jim’s photos below inspired this series.  It’s time for you all to update us on your walks. 


Jim Hamilton, Lee County, Florida





Above – Condos in the neighborhood.

Right – Great Blue Heron

Below left – American Ibis; right – turtles

Bottom – Alligator spotting snacks?








Thanks for kicking off “Out for a Walk,” Jim!


Gene Carter, Arlington MA

I walk with a friend and we talk for miles on end, usually in remote areas. We see sunrise and sunset, birds like this heron, sky, and water.

Photos of winter near Spy Pond in Arlington and Cambridge Reservoir in Waltham, Massachusetts.





















Diane Rusch Zinn, Lawrence, KS

In the summer, lotus flowers cover Baker’s Wetlands in Lawrence. (At right)

By late fall, Mary’s Lake in Lawrence is quiet. (Below)






Noisy Canada geese gather at the pond near our home. (Below)


Marilyn Tompkins Bellert, Sycamore, Illinois

I walk with friends, usually in local parks and nature preserves, and tour bird feeders as I walk the neighborhood. During the pandemic, bird feeders have proliferated.

The fierce Cooper’s Hawk above is a neighborhood regular, always looking for songbirds to munch. We know he is around when the birds suddenly zoom into hiding, or we come upon a many-feathered crime scene in the snow. The Downy Woodpecker and the female Cardinal (below) enjoy all four seasons here, as I do.












Send your “Out for a Walk” photos to Marilyn (mbellert@niu.edu) or Diane (ddzinn@aol.com).


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